Of the House. One swift glance told Rawson that Killen was not in his seat and as his eyes swept the room he noted also the absence of Pitts Bentley and Miller. Of the doubtful votes only Ashton and Reilly were present. He flung a question anything of Bentley Akers?" "Mr. Bentley! Why yes sir. He was called to the telephone a few minutes ago and he left at once. Mr. Miller went with him and Mr. Pitts. " "Were Ashton and Reilly here.
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Simple folk to live. The tourist seldom penetrates these inaccessible foothills; the roads are too rough and primitive for automobiles; so Millville is shamefully neglected and civilization halted there some half a century ago. However there was a genuine sensation in store for this isolated hamlet and it was the more welcome because anything in the way of a sensation had for many years avoided the neighborhood. Marshall McMahon McNutt or as he was more familiarly called by those few who respected him most highly "Marsh" McNutt (and sundry other appellations by those who respected him not at all) became the recipient of a letter from New York announcing the intention of a certain John Merrick the new owner of the Wegg Farm to spend the summer on the place. McNutt was an undersized man of about forty with a beardless face scraggly.
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